August 18, 2011

I can see you now ; )


Web cam works and according to my sources (wink ; ) it does rather well.
I will be working on getting a better quality cam in the future. Until then... let's play!

Here's a little humorous video for your viewing pleasure. I thought it was 'Cute'

August 11, 2011

Almost There !


I just wanted everyone to know that my Donation Button is working but so far it only works for phone fun and special panties. I will indeed work on My web cam in the next few days and when it's established, I will work on My Gift page as I am sure that My followers would love to send a gift !

Oh... and... I will be working on The Mistress In Me as well.
This of course will involve mostly photo exchange, assignments and the
web cam. ( Evil Grin... I'm so excited... As I'm sure you are too ; )

Request and suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated. I may
not accommodate all request and suggestions ( this could be where the
gift page comes in handy ; )  but I will try to satisfy !

There may, at times, be another who can join in the fun. Currently I only
have a 'friend' who can assist. He can be straight and/or he can be My sub. All scenes are up to you and of course... Me !