Web Cam

Web Cam Viewing

Just another way to practice  'Safe Sex' !

I have set up a free Skype account.
(you too must have a Skype account)

With this we can view and listen to one another 
without putting mileage on the car.

I am new to Skype so bare with me.
I am not new to viewing a web cam with adult content on the other end ; )

Once I receive your text that you would like to acquire my time on the web cam, I will ready myself and get into roll.

There will be a timer set for the amount of Minutes that you predetermined. There will be no refunds...  if your session only lasted 35 minutes and you acquired 45 minutes worth, consider the time a tip. If your wife comes home early and you must end your session, there will be no refund. If there was a mishap on My end of the bargain, there will be no refund but there may be a future complimentary session due to you.

I am not available between 11pm and 7am.
It is best to schedule time ahead of time so that I can truly be dressed/undressed for your viewing pleasure.

$60.oo/15 Minute Viewing
$80.oo/30 Minute Viewing
$100.oo/45 Minute Viewing
$120.oo/60 Minute Viewing

Keep in mind...
 I love to watch a man squirm under my control
 (even if he has to torture himself)
I do love to watch a man masturbate!

See you later ; )

MsKriss4Play on Skype