Phone Sex

I love this pic!
Phone sex is still around today even with all the 'porn' and web cam offers on the Wide World Web. You can even see ads for it on Craig's List.

I first started doing phone sex with my ex as he was away working and later I injured my leg and lost my job. I saw the ad and decided 'why not'. I worked through a company who got 60% of the per/minute charges.

I was able to pay my bills but I had no life as with those odds, I had to stay home at all times to take calls.

I learned a lot from all those calls... There were calls from some who wanted to confess their sins, there were calls from those who felt that they could not trust a person to person meeting, and there were calls from those who were just lonely and wanted someone to talk to.

I did indeed enjoy most of all of my callers. Many times I would be very wet from rubbing my clit while 'talking' to the fella on the other end of the line whom I know was masturbating as well.

Phone Sex is Safe Sex!

All time is set up in block time and a timer will be running so that my hands can be free to 'play' as well.

$30.oo/15 Minute Block
$50.oo/30 Minute Block
$75.oo/45 Minute Block
$125.oo/60 Minute Block